After releasing a heavy sigh, Doshin folded his arms and closed his eyes,
trying to force away his apprehensions with years of mental discipline, but
he soon concluded that it would not work this time.  His thoughts were too
much in chaos.  He dreaded the day when he would once again have the
displeasure of feeling his old colleague's all-too-familiar icy presence.

	Just then, a cool breeze entered the room, yet the door and windows
remained shut.  Doshin felt a bit nervous.  "I had not expected you to
arrive so soon."

	"Oh, come now, old friend.  You know as well as I that a man cannot truly
expect his own destiny?"

	Doshin frowned at his rival's subtle mockery.  "Do you actually believe
that YOU are destiny?  Now you HAVE gone completely mad."

	"*laugh* I see you have not lost you're sense of humor.  No... I am merely
a messanger who humbly carries out the designs laid out before him."

	Doshin opened his eyes and hissed through his teeth, "The world has evolved
to the point where men can choose their own destinies!  They don't need your

	The dark-robed man drew back a bit, somewhat shocked.  His face was now
visible--his features were pale and boney, his eyes were sunken as if from
lack of sleep, and his thick beard was knotted and dirty.  The crow that was
perched on his shoulder studied the two curiously, rapidly changing its
footing as if trying to find the best vantage point.

	Regaining himself, the robed man smiled in deep satisfaction and shadows
started to cover his face once more.  He chuckled, "Still clinging to that
old idea, I see.  But if it were true, old friend, why would I now be here?"

	Doshin sighed and muttered half-heartedly, "I know why you are here."

	"Oh, do you now?"  The robed man folded his arms.  The crow let out an
almost human laugh, causing Doshin to shoot it a cold glance.

	"And I want nothing to do with you! (NOTE: He's not talking to the bird.)
Your dark prophesies and rituals have no place in this world anymore.  The
gods had lost claim in this realm long ago, when their creation began
guiding them...."

	The dark man clenched his teeth.  "Do you really believe that, Brother?!
You, who were among our highest ranks, among the most respected, until one
day you haphazardly threw it all away on a whim, still dare utter such
blasphemy!  And now you reside in these bleak surroundings and presume to
become part of a world you once shaped!"  The man quickly calmed himself and
cleared his throat.  "But let us not quarrel over unresolved debates... dear
friend."  He smiled again.  "I have more important business to attend to--WE
have more important business."

	Doshin growled, "WE have No business together!  I have already stated
myself to you!  I don't want to have any part in your or anyone else's
twisted games."

	The dark man sighed and rolled his eyes and thought about something.  "Very
well.  Since you seem reluctant to accept ME as a prophet...."  He walked to
the table and extended his hands.  "Perhaps you will be more receptive to
the foreshadowings of someone closer to your affections."  He opened his
hands and four dice bounced onto the tabletop.

	Doshin stared at his old friend for a long while, trying to detect any hint
of trickery, but found none.  He shifted his eyes downward and held his
breath when he read the pictures: a crow, a dove, a yin-yang, and a skull
and crossbones.  He looked up, horrorstriken.  The robed man grinned and the
bird laughed.


	Ranma was completely serious now.

	He was jumping like crazy in an effort to dodge all the fishnets and
comforters being thrown in his direction.  Miko's hands were moving at such
an incredible speed that a sewing machine would seem to be moving in slow

	Ranma's sole objective was to snatch the needle from Miko's hand, but he
found that harder to do than he thought, given the fact that Miko was a girl
and he refused to go for any type of body blow.  But that aside, he had to
admit that Miko had made dramatic improvements--her defense had almost
reached a level to keep up with his own, even if her attack still needed
work.  In the few minutes of neither one gaining or losing much ground,
Ranma had developed a deep respect for her as a fighter and a seamstress.

	He jumped into the air and grabbed the corner of a blanket that almost
slapped him to a tree and swatted a wall of four nets that would have surely
got him otherwise.  Landing opposite her, he sidestepped a sweater that was
aimed at his face and glanced at his student just before she released a
colorful quilt.  She was sweating profusely and her face was turning red.
He'd have to end their session soon or else his student was going to collapse.

	He dodged and launched himself into the air once again.  Several more nets
rushed toward him in a V-formation.  He caught the closest and swatted at
the rest, deflecting all but the last one, which flipped into the air and
wrapped itself around his hand.  He angled himself toward Miko and shuttled
in her direction with his free hand outstretched, ready to take the tiny
needle from her grasp.

	Miko looked up and shrieked, and ,in an excited burst, assaulted Ranma with
a blanket so large that it could have been used as a parachute.  "Waaaaa!"
She heard her guardian sceam and start struggling against the fabric, but
then it fell lifelessly to the ground in a big heap.

	Miko's chest was heaving and her clothes were almost completely drenched in
sweat. (CUTE VOICE: 'Scuse me, that perspiration.) (NOTE: Sorry.  My
mistake.) When nothing moved, she became worried and stepped toward the
monsterous textilework.  "Guardian Spirit?  Are you alright?"

	Suddenly, a hand reached over her shoulder from behind and plucked the
needle from her hand.  "I think that'll be enough for today.  You did good."

	Miko swiveled around, startled.  "Guardian Spirit?  But how did you...."
She suddenly felt light-headed and started to fall.

	Ranma caught her by the shoulders and gently set her down on the soft
cushin the huge blanket made.  "Miko?  Miko?"  She looked up and gave a
token giggle.  Ranma felt her forehead.  "I guess we really shouldn't have
done so much, this bein your first day and all.  Sorry I pushed ya."  He
withdrew his hand when Miko reached for it.

	Miko seemed to glow (metaphorically).  She hugged the folds of the blanket
against herself and sighed as if waking from a very pleasant dream.  "No.
It was wonderful."  Ranma raised his eyebrows when she started flapping her
arms slowly as if she were making an angel in the snow.  "I've never felt
so... alive.  Thank you, Guardian Spirit."

	Ranma blushed and tried to find something else to look at--there was
something about her light, tinkling voice that made him feel more alive as
well, yet more uneasy. (CHEF'S NOTE: Ranchan, what're you trying to say?)
"I... um... you're welcome."

	"That was the most invigorating, and relaxing, thing I'd ever done. (CUTE
VOICE: Fighting make you drunk?)  I can see why you like it so much."

	Ranma, still trying to look elsewhere, started scratching the back of his
head.  "Yeah... well... martial arts is my life."

	Miko sat up slowly and wearily.  "Ooooooh, it was so exciting watching you
in action like that, Guardian Spirit.  The way your toned body moved lithely
through the air.  The way your powerful muscles flexed and reflexed with
superior speed and precision."

	"Huh?"  Ranma eyes wandered in Miko's direction; he froze when he noticed
her seductive smile.

	Miko leaned forward and softly blew against his cheek. "The way the sweat
glistened against your skin as you began pressing yourself harder and
harder.  I came to realize something very important."  The muscles in
Ranma's face tensed and a large bead of sweat formed on the side of his head.

	Miko paused thoughtfully, her face only inches from his, while Ranma
started sweating more and held his breath.  She began again, drawing even
nearer, "I guess what I'm trying to say, Guardian Spirit, is...."  She
sprang back and laughed merrily, "I'm VERY hungry!  Let's get something to
eat!"  Ranma exhaled in relief.

	Miko fell back to her blanket in hysterics at the awkward look of
embarrassment she had instilled onto her guardian's face.  After Ranma wiped
away the sweat, he glared at her with a slightly peeved look, but he didn't
say anything.  Miko calmed down and said, "I can see why you eat so much.
All that moving around at such a fast pace really takes a lot of energy?"
Ranma smiled and nodded.

	Miko's stomach growled demandingly.  She looked surprised--she'd never felt
so hungry.  She put both hands on her tummy and blushed.  "Sorry."

	Ranma stood up and tried to remember which direction the village was in.
"So are we gonna go to that inn again?"

	"If you want."  Ranma nodded.  "But we may have a problem."

	Ranma glanced at her.  "Whaddaya mean?"

	With a long groan, Miko strained every muscle in her body, but only managed
to raise her forearms off the ground.  "I can't move anymore."  She was

	Ranma raised his eyebrows, then looked back in the direction they came
from--the cottage was far out of sight.  He squatted down in front of Miko
with his back facing her.  "Climb on and I'll carry ya."

	Miko tried to reach out with her arms, but they fell back to her sides.
She laughed, "No, I'm serious.  I can't move."

	With a sigh, Ranma reached around, grabbed her hands, and placed them on
his shoulders.  He hefted her onto his back, and she snuggled her arms
warmly around his neck.  He sighed, "Miko, what am I gonna do with you?
Never mind, forget I asked."

	He stood up and looked around.  Miko whispered into his ear, "Before we get
to the inn, why don't you make yourself look pretty for Tan?"

	Ranma groaned.  "Just tell me which way to go."


	The Empress pulled back a curtain and peered into Emperor Xi Fang's
bedchambers.  He was lying under the covers of his king-sized bed, asleep,
with two of his harem girls curled up closely on either side, also asleep.
The Empress scowled.  She greatly disapproved of his lecherous way--he'd pay
more attention to THEM than HER--but he'd just dismiss her words as mindless

	"How much of Salon's potion did you mix with his wine?"  She turned to the
harem girl standing by her side, who held her hands together behind her
like a military officer during inspection.  (NOTE: Incidentally, she's the
same one that earlier informed the Emperor of Lon's uneasy status, since
she's the Empress's personal informant.)

	"All of it.  As you ordered, Mistress."

	"And how much did he drink?"

	"All of it, Mistress."

	Chun Mae grinned slightly.  Her husband had just downed enough sleeping
potion to make a normal man sleep for weeks, and the added alcohol would put
that same man in a coma; however, given her husband's almost inhuman
metabolism, he'd no doubt be awake before tomorrow's dawn.  "You have done
well... Komiki."

	Komiki was gushing with pride at being paid a compliment by a superior, and
the added use of her name almost sent her into a state of euphoria.  She
threw her arms around her empress and gave her an aggressive kiss full on
the lips.

	Chun Mae's eyes widened and she brushed the girl away.  "What is the
meaning of this?"

	The girl let herself drop to her knees, then pouted up to her superior with
a look that begged forgiveness.  She started to say something, then

	The Empress placed her hand under the girl's chin.  "I suppose that after
Salon and I are through with our preparations, I will have to return to
teach you how to properly kiss an empress."  The girl smiled. (CHEF'S NOTE:
Ack!) (CUTE VOICE: Eeeeew!) (OLD VOICE: AaaaAAAAaaahhh.)


	"Geez, Miko!  And you said I eat like a pig?"  Ranma held his chopsticks
over his bowl and watched incredulously as the girl who claimed she didn't
eat much started on her second big bowl of rice and vegetables; she was
eating with the same voraciousness and speed that he himself always indulged in.

	Tan, who was leaning on Ranma's chair, stared in awe.  "I've never seen
Miko eat like this before.  Are you sure she's even Miko and not that other
girl she was with earlier?"

	Ranma tilted his head sideways.  "Uh....  Pretty sure."

	Tan look down at him in surprise, realizing that he must know who he was
talking about.  "You KNOW Miko's other pigtailed friend!  Are you two
related?"  Tan did notice similarities in facial features, clothes, and hair
style, now that he thought about it.

	"I guess you could say that."  Ranma shrugged and began eating.  Tan smiled.

	Miko muttered sloppily out of the side of her mouth, "They're inseperable."
Tan's shoulders slumped in defeat.

	Tan patted Ranma on the shoulder.  "Well, I hope you two are happy
together."  Ranma started to protest, but Tan was already going back in the

	Ranma peered at Miko and groaned, remembering all too well when Nabiki said
something to the same effect to Kunou.  Miko just shrugged and gave a sloppy
smile, then suddenly ducked under the table with a shrill shriek of fright.

	Ranma looked curiously over the table.  "Miko?"

	Miko's hand peeked above the table and pointed in Ranma's direction.  She
whispered, "It's Lon."

	Ranma turned to see the colorfully-robed, massively-built tower he fought
just the other day standing in the doorway to the inn--except that instead
of the blue-and-orange mask, he was wearing a wide piece of torn cloth that
covered his nose and mouth.  His black hair was stringy and lifeless, his
forehead was slumped like a neanderthal, his face was scarred in several
places, and his eyes were slightly uneaven and almost looked... feral.
Ranma shivered, thankful that the guy WAS wearing the mask.

	Everyone eating at the other tables stopped to stare; it looked as if they
wanted to run but were to afraid to move.  Lon, noticeably unsettled that he
had become the center of attention, growled at all the patrons; everyone
turned back around except Ranma. (CHEF'S NOTE: Yeah!  Go on Ranchan!  Show
him who's boss!) (CUTE VOICE: Brave, brave, stupid husband.) Lon slitted his
eyes in Ranma's direction.  "You lookin at something, BOY?"

	Ranma looked at the giant more attentively, as if he had just noticed that
he was there.  "Me?  I was... that is... I'm new here and haven't seen you
before."  He turned to the side and started looking around the room.

	Lon shook his head in disgust and sat down at the nearest table--once the
people there had left.  The table was on the far side of the door and Lon
had his back turned, which Ranma saw as the perfect opportunity to leave.

	He turned his head toward his table and whispered, "C'mon, Miko, we've got
to get out of here."

	She whispered back, "I can't."

	"Why not?"

	"I can't get up."

	Ranma rolled his eyes and tried to stay calm, remembering how hard she had
worked herself.  He slowly and quietly inched to her side of the table.

	Tan came out of the kitchen and was startled to see Lon, ready to retreat.
But when he saw Miko's guardian spirit creeping around the table, he guessed
that Miko was trapped, so he had to do something.  He strode over to Lon's
table to take his order--and distract him.

	Ranma was grateful for Tan's help.  He quickly found Miko sprawled on the
floor directly underneath the table and silently scooped her into his arms.
A quick glance back reassured him that Lon hadn't taken any notice.  The
front door was still open, but he didn't want to risk Miko's life if Lon
should catch them on the way out.  He thought of looking for a back door,
but there was no guarantee there was one.  He scanned the room and fixed his
eyes on the stairs leading to the upstairs rooms--it was an inn afterall.

	He quickly sped upstairs as quietly as if he were running on the air
itself.  No one seemed to notice.  He headed for an unshuttered window at
the end of the hall.

	Miko sighed, "You're so smart to think of getting out this way."

	_I donno.  It feels like I've tried this before.  But I can't remember what
happened...._  Ranma lept out the window and dropped into Lon's waiting arms.

	Ranma stared into Lon's face with disbelief.  The giant grumbled, "Guess
where I found the fabric for my mask?" then started squeezing the life out
of Miko's friend.

	Miko, still in her guardian's arms, shrieked and instantly sewed a large
sack around Lon's head.

	The big man dropped Ranma when he felt several hundred annoying fists slam
into his face.  His battle aura flared up and he ripped the bag off his
head, but his opponents had disappeared, no doubt long gone.  He muttered a
curse to himself, feeling more depressed than angry at all the ill-luck he'd
been having, then romped back into the inn to get something to eat.  He'd
look for them on a full stomach.

To Chapter 4, Part 3
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